Political Sociology of Social Inequality

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Research Colloquium: Comparative Stratification Research

im Wintersemester 2024/25


Colloquium WS 2024_25


Tuesday 12:15-13:45, Room 209

You can participate in person or via Zoom


Meeting ID: 358 714 3226
Passcode: 554433











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19.11.2024 Sebastian Kohl - FU Berlin Segregation and Inequality
03.12.2024 Fabian Kratz - LMU München Parental Wealth, Self-Control, and Educational Success: A Causal Mediation Analysis
10.12.2024 Martyna Linartas - FU Berlin Different but Same. The Role of the Inheritance Tax and Narratives of the Economic Elites for Wealth Inequality in OECD States: The Cases of Mexico and Germany
17.12.2024 Martin Hällsten - Stockholm University 150 years of multigenerational mobility in Sweden
21.01.2025 Isabell Stamm - MPI Köln Getting on Top: Social Upward Mobility into the Wealth Elite
28.01.2025 Franziska Disslbacher - WU Wien Leaving Legacies and Liabilities. The Distribution of Wealth at Death.
04.02.2025 Nils Neumann - University of Michigan The Mortgage Interest Deduction and the White-Black Wealth Gap, 1984-2021